Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Win a Home Goods gift card!

Home Goods (HappySighAsIWishIHadSomeValidExcuseToBuyMuranoGlassPieces) and BlogHer have teamed up with 8 bloggers to give away 8 $100 Home Goods gift cards!

Take the HomeGoods StyleScope Quiz, then visit the 8 blogs that are sponsoring the giveaways.

Here are my results, which are kind of accurate:

Hilary, you are a Global Casual

Your home is warm and inviting, and expresses your curiosity and zest for life. You have wide-ranging interests, and an appreciation for many different cultures and ways of life. You bring a sense of the far-flung world into your home through its décor through unique or artisan-made treasures. Objects in your home tend to reflect your personality, your passions, your values, and your eclectic interests. This gives your home a sense of intrigue and comfort.

You value creativity. You are stylish and fun loving, and can be an inspiration to others. You have a natural sense of drama, and you know you have to be willing to take risks—whether with colors, finishes, furniture choices, or ideas—for your home to stand out. Your home can be happy and lively and the place all of your friends want to be.

Oh, how I wish I had more time/money/freedom to decorate my house...but it's just not a priority for me. Through some of the blogs I've been following, I am learning to make the things around me look beautiful and thereby make me happier, but right now it isn't more important than my family and my business. Of course, I love it when I can do a project with my family. That's really fun!

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