Thursday, August 31, 2006

God bless the bouncy seat! I keep mine in the bathroom and put Caspian in it when I need to do anything in there.

We were out of the house for 9 hours yesterday -- Caspian's longest! First we had my MW's funeral, then driving to the state capital to get his birth certificate, then my PT appointment, then hanging out at my parents' house. He slept most of the time he's in the car seat, but Charlie had him out during my appt, and I had him out at my parents'. He was great!

I can't believe we're flying out Wednesday! I'm starting to freak out about packing. How will I know what to take for the baby? We still have to buy him some dispoisables for the trip.

We'll see the ped and an OB tomorrow, so we should find out what Caspian and I weigh...

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